Clinical Supervision

Therapist Trainee Support

Counseling Supervision ServicesAt Agape Counseling Service, we specialize in providing guidance and support for emerging therapists embarking on their professional journeys.

Supervision for Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) Candidates

If you're a Master’s Level clinician aspiring to achieve the Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) designation with the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), you'll need to complete mandatory clinical supervision hours under an accredited therapist. At Agape Counseling Service, we offer these crucial supervision services. For detailed information and to get started, reach out to us directly.

Guidance for Clinicians Aiming for SOMB Status

For therapists aiming for Associate or Full Operating status with the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB), or those already credentialed but aspiring to be Clinical Supervisors, Agape Counseling Service offers the required supervision hours. Our lead therapist, Tanya Hamilton, is a recognized SOMB approved Clinical Supervisor.

To discover more about this tailored service, please get in touch with Agape Counseling Service.

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